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Spirituality and Ufology, the Encounter with Science

Lallá Barretto

UFO Co-Editor

The Catholic Church approaches all events considered supernatural that occur in the field of its spirituality, such as miracles, apparitions and manifestations of Jesus Christ, Our Lady, angels and saints, with prudence, circumspection, skepticism and method. Many years of investigations and trials involving witnesses are necessary for a spiritual manifestation to be accepted as supernatural by the Church. This is because apparitions “punctuate the Bible and structure Revelation itself. God speaks and appears to the patriarch Abraham, to Moses and the prophets, to Jesus Christ, to the apostles Peter and Paul and to other Christians in the Acts of the Apostles, in short, from the beginning to the end of the Scriptures”, as well summarized by René Laurentin in the Dictionnaire des Apparitions de la Vierge [Dictionary of the Apparitions of the Virgin, Fayard, 2007]. Around the Bible, several writings from different Christian traditions provide more detailed versions and reports of the presence of the supernatural in the construction of Christianity. The apocryphal writings contain accounts that were discarded from the New Testament because their main concern was to record and transmit the supernatural events that occurred throughout the history of Revelation. Continuing this luminous spirituality, the apparitions of Our Lady began to exert their presence in the world with a manifestation of bilocation of the Virgin, since she was still alive when the event occurred. She appeared to the Apostle James in the year 40 AD, in Zaragoza, Spain, in the manifestation that became known as Our Lady of the Pillar. Since then, Mary has manifested herself throughout history in communications that are warnings against materialism and the forgetfulness of the spiritual beings that we are. ...

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